I've decided to start back at this whole blogging thing (and some Vlogging... maybe even some jogging). I am really excited to have a regular place to write and share my ideas and thoughts and wisdom with all of you, but I had a hard time deciding what to write about at first. I am interested in way too many things to narrow it down to what I like, and I'm knowledgeable and experienced in pretty much the same amount of things for that to help me decide. I took to the internet to find out what all of you wanted to know about, and the answers I got ranged from dance stuff to 90s video games to vegan road-trip survival to fitness for nerds and/or workaholics. That didn't help too much either, aside from give me lots of ideas to write about!
Then I realized the inherent problem with me starting a focused blog: I am not focused. Not just on one thing, anyway. I have always been the girl who does everything: a jack of all trades, master of none.* I can't choose just one thing to do in a day, let alone for an entire blog I plan to commit time and energy to. I am a type-A, left-brained, problem-solver smartypants with lots of ideas that can help the people around me with finances, fitness, health, dance technique, business, and more. I am also a creative artist with lots to share of my own creations and lots of ideas to help all of you with your own. I am also a 16 year old living in what seems like a 24 year old's body and trying to navigate through a 35 year old's life. There's just so much going on here.
My life is insane, and I think this exactly the problem and the solution. I can't just write about any one thing. There's simply too much to draw from. Therefore, I will write about everything. Anything and everything you all want to know about or share with me, I will write it. I'll try to make sure I section things off so what you all are interested in is easy to find, but consider this the variety shoppe of blogs. Here are some topics you'll find here as the blog develops:

Lots of people ask me all the time how I can dance so much at my age and how I stay so fit all the time. It's not magic, and it's not natural. It takes hard work, but not always the sweat and grit kind they talk about in the gym. There's more to it than that, and way less than you think you need to do in order to get yourself into the kind of shape you want to be in. I'm not all about focusing on how people look, though. I'm not going to give fitness advice geared toward "getting a flatter tummy" or "losing inches" or whatever. That's not what my focus is for myself, so it won't be my focus for you. My advice and ideas will be geared toward getting you healthy on the inside and that will show on the outside as you go.
Another topic I get asked about often is money. People are always asking me for advice on tips and tricks for saving money, spending thriftily, and investing in yourself successfully. Maybe it's because I teach high school finance. Maybe it's because I started my own successful dance company and haven't gone broke. Maybe it's because people who know me know that I never pay pull price for anything when I don't have to. Either way, I have ideas and I am dying to share them with you! I also welcome comments with even more ideas, so when I make posts, please comment and share your secrets too!
So anyone who knows me, knows if I am one thing above all, I am a dancer. Specifically I am a tap dancer most of the time, but I do it all to some degree. This is something I love to dive headfirst into write and/or talk about for hours. Good thing I write for a dance magazine, huh? For this topic, I will undoubtedly discuss my favorite topics about dance, everything from why it's never too late to start dancing to why all forms of dance deserve equal yet unique respect in the dance community. I also want to write about things YOU want to know! I can't wait to tackle questions and ideas I get via blog comments, emails, even finding me randomly at the store and asking me stuff! What do you want to know about this art form I love so much?
Music has been part of who I am for as long as I've been self-aware, probably even longer than that. This is one topic I am just so passionate about, and having a degree in Music Theory from one of the top music colleges in the country helps give me the knowledge to back up what I'm talking about. There is so much that I want to say about music and how it's made and why it's made. I want to talk about how I one day decided "I'm going to be a drummer" at 35 years old, and use my experience to inspire you all to go after your goals. I want to discuss the importance of clean and smooth music edits for dance. I want to talk about how altos have it rough during Disney sing-a-longs. Anything and everything music is what I'm so excited to share with you!
And more
Writing, family, cosplay, modeling and photography, organization skills, college readiness, nerdy stuff...there's tons of subjects I can't wait to write about in this blog. I will section everything off as I write so you can find what you're looking for with ease. I hope you enjoy reading this blog as much as I know I'm going to love writing it.

*Geminis are often known as the "jack of all trades, master of none" of the Zodiac. I guess I am a jack of all trades, but it's not too late for me to master any and/or all of them. But I also don't believe in mastery as a finality. There is always more to learn, skills to hone, and ideas to hear and share.
As a gemini nerdball who grew up in the 80s, fell in love with the 90s, and reached adulthood in the current century, my interests tend to be far and wide and span multiple decades and generations, but it's okay because I'm right brained and Type-A so I'll keep it all organized! Win-win!?